How to Sleep Better After Breast Augmentation Surgery – Tips for Sleeping After Surgery

Undergoing breast augmentation surgery can be a life-changing experience for many women. However, the recovery process can be challenging, especially when getting enough sleep. Ideally, sleeping on your back during the first weeks following breast surgery will help you get better sleep and optimise the surgery results.

There is so much to a comfortable sleep. Today we’ll provide more valuable tips to help you sleep better and promote optimal healing after your breast augmentation. Keep reading to learn more.

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Expectations During Recovery After Breast Augmentation

The Breast augmentation procedure is conducted under general anaesthesia and generally done as a day procedure.

During the first week, the breasts will experience bruising, soreness, and swelling accompanied by pain. These are normal, and the patient doesn’t have to panic at all. The surgeon can prescribe pain medication in cases of severe pain. The swelling and bruising will reduce with time and finally disappear after a few weeks of following the surgeon’s postsurgical care instructions.

The post-surgical care involves getting enough sleep, wearing a surgical bra, and avoiding strenuous work, among other instructions. These aid in the recovery process and prevent any complications. This makes the postsurgical instructions significant to achieving optimal results after breast surgery. After approximately a 3-6 months of recovery, the breasts will assume the expected shape and size.

Why is Good Sleep Important in Breast Surgery Recovery?

After surgery, the body will constantly work to ensure recovery. The process is amplified when you’re sleeping. However, many patients confuse resting and sleeping and substitute sleep for rest. This shouldn’t be the case.

As you sleep, the brain triggers the body tissues to produce hormones that aid healing, promoting the repair of blood vessels and tissue growth. The process helps to restore damaged muscles and improves the overall recovery process.

In addition, as you sleep, the body pumps more blood to the damaged tissues and muscles, nourishing them with nutrients and oxygen. Sleep also boosts the body’s immunity, lowering the risk of possible breast implant-related postsurgical complications.

Another importance of sleep after breast augmentation is pain relief. Doctors believe that getting enough sleep helps in the reduction of the amount of pain experienced after breast surgery. Ideally, sleep improves cognitive function and relaxes the body’s muscles which may reduce inflammation and swelling.

Sleep is generally a period of healing and rejuvenation. Therefore, breast augmentation patients should get enough hours of sleep. Most surgeons recommend at least eight hours of good sleep.

How Do You Sleep Comfortably After Breast Implant Surgery?

Sleeping adequately after breast augmentation can be hectic since you must abandon your old sleeping habits and positions. Below are some practices to ensure you sleep comfortably after breast augmentation.

Sleeping on the Back

Breast augmentation patients should sleep flat on their backs during the recovery period. Surgeons will recommend sleeping on the back for six to eight weeks after surgery. The position puts the breasts in a relaxed position that minimises strain on both the breasts and the chest muscles. This allows the breast implants to settle and the incisions to heal.

However, it’s uncomfortable and strenuous sleeping flat on the back for that long. Therefore, the patient can keep the upper body elevated at 30 to 45 degrees. This is a more comfortable position and helps reduces pain and swelling by allowing blood circulation away from the tender and sore breasts.

Practising Early Before Undergoing Surgery

Few patients sleep on their back, and most sleep on the tummy or side. Therefore, sleeping on the back after breast augmentation for these patients is uncomfortable and hard. The best solution is practising the new sleeping position early before undergoing breast augmentation surgery. Try 2-3 weeks before surgery.

You can use a few soft pillows to make it easier for the first days. This will help you get used to the position before your surgery, reducing the strain of sleeping on the back after surgery. Furthermore, practice makes perfect.

Sleeping on the Side

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Many patients cannot keep up with sleeping on their backs for long periods. Therefore, they can opt to sleep on the side. However, you shouldn’t sleep on the side immediately after breast augmentation to avoid injuring the breasts. Most surgeons will advise sleeping on the side after 2 to 3 weeks after the breast surgery.

The patient should take extra care when sleeping on the side. Some precautions to prevent intense pressure on the breasts include placing a pillow beneath the breasts and wearing a surgical bra. These will ensure the implants remain in place and the incisions heal while enjoying a comfortable good night’s sleep.

Sleeping on the Tummy

If you usually sleep on your stomach, it’s time you change before undergoing breast augmentation. This sleeping position will squeeze and add too much pressure to the breasts and breast implants, distorting the results and causing complications.

Many surgeons recommend that you can only sleep on the belly after 12 weeks or more after breast augmentation. However, you should consult your specialist before switching to this sleeping position.

Sleeping On the Back. How Can I Get Used?

Well, this is a journey, and sometimes it might seem challenging. But how do you pull through successfully? Below are some tips to ease and make sleeping on the back comfortable while relieving pressure on the breasts.

  • Use extra positioning pillows to keep your body in position. You can place the pillows under the arms to ease the strain from sleeping on the back. The pillows will also minimise rolling over while sleeping.
  • Use a wedge pillow to help elevate the body. Regular pillows may not elevate the body properly because they are soft and will sink after you lie on them. On the other hand, wedge pillows are firmer and will create a better incline. You can also use a recliner bed to incline the upper body.
  • Use a pillow under the knees to maintain alignment of the back. This will minimise lower back pain and discomfort.
  • Hold your head in place using a special pillow, preventing the head from rolling to one side.
  • Always resume sleeping on the back when you find that you rolled over. It would also be helpful if you sleep with a partner to notify them to be keen on your sleeping position. They can gently return you to your desired position if you roll over during sleep.

Tips for Sleeping Well After Breast Augmentation Surgery

There are other methods, besides sleeping on the back, that can help you achieve adequate and comfortable sleep after breast augmentation. They include:

Wearing Support Bras

After surgery, the surgeon will recommend wearing a surgical or support bra for at least a month or until advised. This includes during the night. The supportive bra helps hold breast implants in place, reduce bruising and swelling, and ease tension on the surgical incisions. In addition, support bras help absorb any discharge from the breasts and provide a barrier against any physical injury, enhancing the overall healing process.


You may get fatigued after the breast surgery as the body adapts to the changes. This may prompt you to spend your time resting. While resting is good, walking around the house can help improve your sleep. Walking also improves blood circulation, reducing the risk of blood clots. However, don’t walk too much.

Taking a Warm Shower

Warm showers in the evening help relax the body, enhancing sleep. The warm shower helps the body decompress and relaxes the muscles, enhancing sleep. This is ideal after the first few weeks after breast augmentation.

Eliminate Sleep Disruptors

It is a no-brainer that you should strive to eliminate sleep disruptors as much as possible. Disruptors such as tea, coffee, and coke can reduce sleep quality at night. Sleep disruptors vary and are not limited to caffeinated beverages.

Other common sleep disruptors to avoid are alcohol and sugar. We can also include electronic screens in this category.

Avoid Sleeping Pills and Take Pain Medication As Prescribed

The pain you experience after breast augmentation surgery is bearable and, in most cases, won’t hinder you from falling asleep. Therefore, it is not necessary to get over-the-counter post-operation pain meds. These medications and other sleeping aids will be unnecessary.

If your sleeping pattern gets disrupted by breast augmentation surgery, your specialist general surgeon will prescribe you the best pain medication for the best relief. Get in touch with them to ensure faster and more effective recovery.

Relaxing Your Mind

Falling asleep can be hard when you are stressed. To ensure you sleep well, you should set your mind at peace. This includes eliminating any negative emotions and thoughts and focusing on pleasant experiences. Acknowledge any emotions resulting from breast augmentation and avoid them. Peace of mind changes everything when it comes to getting a good sleep.

Make your Sleeping Space Comfortable

A comfortable place will help you sleep better. Ensure you have cozy bedding and curtains that can block out light when you want to sleep. In addition, have extra clean bed sheets readily available to change. This is because the breast may discharge during recovery, dirtying the sheets. Additionally, you should also wear loose-fitting clothes and avoid strenuous activities.

Try Cold Pack Therapy

As you recover from the breast augmentation surgery, the tissues tend to be sore and emit heat. Cold pack therapy will help you relieve severe chest discomfort. You can apply a cold pack on the sore areas for 30 minutes to prevent swelling and reduce discomfort.

What Should I Do If I Still Cannot Sleep Even After Following All Recommendations?

If this happens, you need to contact your surgeon and explain the situation. The surgeon will offer additional remedies, including prescribing medications to regulate your sleep patterns.

Bottom Line

Having enough sleep is vital for recovery after breast surgery. Sleep promotes the brain to trigger the production of hormones that help heal and rejuvenate damaged tissues. However, finding the correct sleeping position after breast augmentation surgery can be hard. Surgeons recommend that patients sleep on their backs during the first weeks following breast surgery. This is uncomfortable, especially for those used to sleeping on the side or the belly. Therefore, practising the new sleeping position before undergoing breast surgery can be helpful. A breast augmentation patient should strive to get at least eight hours of good sleep.

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Which is the Best Sleeping Position After Breast Augmentation?

Sleeping on the back is the best sleeping position after breast surgery. The position enhances blood circulation, minimises pressure on the breasts, and helps the breast implants maintain their position. To be comfortable, you can use pillows or a recliner bed.

How Long Should I Sleep Elevated After Breast Surgery?

Sleeping on the back with the upper body slightly elevated at around 30 to 45 degrees is the most appropriate because it helps reduce bruising and swelling. The position may be uncomfortable, and the patient may wish to switch. However, you should maintain the position for around six weeks or until you receive further directions from your surgeon.

When Can I Sleep Without a Bra After Breast Surgery?

Before recovery, the breast implants require support to settle in their position and prevent malposition or any movements. Wearing a surgical bra helps provide the required support. During the first weeks after surgery, the patient should wear a bra day and night. However, after around six weeks, you can stop wearing a surgical bra. Still, this is dependent on a decision by your surgeon.

Why is Sleeping on My Front Bad After Breast Surgery?

Sleeping on your front/ belly will exert direct pressure on the breasts and breast implants. This can cause complications leading to revision surgery.


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