Round Breast Implants vs Teardrop Breast Implants

Breast augmentation is a popular cosmetic surgery. However, with the vast array of breast implant options available today, it can be difficult for women to decide which option suits them best.

Two of these choices are round breast and teardrop breast implants. This is why the question “Round breast implants vs teardrop breast implants: what’s the difference?” is common among women seeking breast augmentation in Sydney.

Are you finding it hard to choose between the two implant types? Don’t worry; you’re in the right place. Today we’ll comprehensively compare round vs teardrop breast implants so you can make a more informed decision.

Round Breast Implants vs Teardrop Breast Implants; key differences

Round breast implants are symmetrical and provide fullness to the upper portion of the breast. Teardrop implants are tapered towards the top and mimic the shape of a “natural” breast. Round implants can offer more lift and cleavage as compared to teardrop Implants.

Round breast implants vs teardrop breast implats

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What are Round Breast Implants?

Round breast implants are an increasingly popular type of implant for breast augmentation surgery. They feature circular breast implant shapes with equal volumes in their lower and upper breast parts. Round implants come in various sizes and projections. They also feature different materials, such as saline and cohesive silicone gel. Depending on a patient’s body type, desired outcome, and body composition, they may be placed above or below the chest muscle.

One of the primary advantages of round breast implants is their versatility in creating various breast sizes and shapes. They can create fuller, rounded appearances providing more cleavage and augmenting the upper pole of the breast. Furthermore, round implants are less costly than teardrop ones making them an economical solution.

Women may be concerned about round implants having the potential to create an artificial, overly-augmented appearance. They may also have more risk for “rippling,” with wrinkles or folds visible around their implants. This is more common with saline-filled models.

Who Is Suitable for Round Breast Implant?

^Round silicone breast implant

Round implants suit women wanting to achieve a fuller and more rounded breast appearance. Their versatility allows for breast augmentation & reconstruction. But who suits this type better?

  1. Women exhibiting minimal breast sagging. Those with significant ptosis (sagging) will need a breast lift that can be combined with a breast implant. It’s ideal to note that teardrop breast implants are not better for saggy breasts.
  2. Patients whose nipples are centrally placed. Unlike teardrop-shaped implants, round implants do not require a specific orientation. Therefore, your nipples will remain symmetrical and centered.
  3. Women with closely spaced breasts. If your breasts naturally sit close together on your chest, round implants can help create a fuller and evenly distributed breast appearance.
  4. Mainly, women after pregnancy and weight loss have lost fullness in the superior pole of the breast. The breasts sit lower on the chest wall. Round implants can help improve the fullness in the upper pole as compared to teardrop implants which provide less fullness at the top.

What are Teardrop Breast Implants?

Teardrop breast implant

Teardrop breast implants, also known as anatomic breast implants, are designed to replicate the natural shape of the patient’s breast. Teardrop implants have a unique asymmetric shape characterized by a thinner upper area. Moreover, they gently slope down into more rounded and fuller natural-looking results for women seeking breast augmentation surgery in Newcastle & Sydney.

Teardrop breast implants are made from cohesive silicone implants. They are highly stable materials that enable the implant to maintain the shape of a natural breast more than round implants. Therefore, they provide more subtle and natural-looking results. It’s ideal to note that smooth-surfaced silicone implants also offer a softer feel than their textured counterparts.

Who Is Suitable for Teardrop Breast Implant?

There are many opinions regarding breast issues and the benefit of teardrop breast implants from both plastic surgeons and breast surgeons.

Many maintain that they provide a more natural result and are ideal for mild to moderate breast sagginess, tuberous breasts, or lower nipple placement. This is because their unique shape creates a smooth transition between their chest and their natural breast tissue below.

In Dr. Beldholm’s opinion (FRACS specialist surgeon with more than 13 years of experience in Breast augmentation), it is important to consider many factors when choosing a breast implant shape.

The most important consideration is what breasts you have already. Many women Dr. Beldholm sees are post-pregnancy and have empty saggy breasts. Using a round implant instead of a teardrop will in these cases give more fullness superior. A teardrop implant may exaggerate the sagginess.

In a younger, firm pre-pregnancy breast, a teardrop may be more advantageous to give a more sloping “natural” result.

The other big consideration is that highly textured implants are no longer available.

This means that the available breast implants are micro-textured and smooth. These implants increase the chance of rotation with teardrop breast implants.

Teardrop vs Round the Key Differences

Teardrop vs round breast implants

When choosing between teardrop and round shapes, there are several key differences to consider. We will review them to help you make an informed decision.

Teardrop vs Round Breast Implant - The Key Difference

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Having mentioned the above differences, it’s ideal to note that the final decision will depend on the patient’s preferences.

Breast implant surgery

Are There Differences in Risk Between Teardrop Breast Implant and Round Breast Implant?

Like any other surgical procedure, some risks are associated with round and teardrop implants.


BIA-ALCL is a rare type of blood cancer linked to different breast implants. It is usually preferable to have texturing when using a teardrop breast implant to minimize the risk of rotation. This may increase the risk of BIA-ALCL. Even though the risk remains low, patients should be aware of this potential risk.

Implant Rotation

Implant rotation is common in teardrop breast implants. It occurs when the implant shifts, resulting in an asymmetrical look. Modern teardrop is designed to reduce this risk, but the chances are not zero.


Both of these plastic surgeries can cause rippling. This mainly occurs if the implant is not placed correctly or if there is insufficient tissue to cover the implant.

Capsular Contracture

This is a complication that occurs in both round and teardrop breast implants. The formation of scar tissue around the breast makes it feel uncomfortable and hard.

Incision Scaring

Both implants require an incision. Incision location varies depending on implant placement. Please note that some incision locations are more visible than others. Therefore, it’s ideal to consult a specialist surgeon before breast surgery.

Placing betadine in implant box prior to insertion of implant

Teardrop vs Round Breast Implant: Which is Better?

Finding the ideal type of breast implant may be challenging for women seeking breast augmentation. Deliberation between teardrop or round implants ultimately depends on individual preferences, desired outcomes, and other considerations such as body type, existing breast tissue density, and lifestyle needs.

Teardrop implant is ideal for women looking for a natural-looking breast shape. It’s also suitable for women with mild to moderate breast sagging, tuberous breasts, or lower nipple placement. In addition, it features more projection, a gradual slope, and fullness at the base of each breast for increased naturalness and a greater aesthetic appeal.

Round implants, on the other hand, are more suited to women with different breast shapes and sizes. They provide fullness at the top of the breast. They are also available in many sizes and projections and are typically less costly than a teardrop implant.

When choosing their implant type, women should carefully consider their goals and preferences when making this choice. Setting realistic expectations when considering breast implant surgery can make all the difference in the size or shape of the implant. So, it’s ideal to consult with an experienced and reputable plastic surgeon or specialist surgeon with FRACS regarding your goals and expectations before making the final decision.

A word form Dr Beldholm about Teardrop vs Round breast implants.

With over 13 years of experience as a specialist surgeon performing breast augmentation, Dr. Beldholm has a lot of knowledge and expertise in breast implant surgery. Throughout his career, he has seen many changes and advancements in the field, including the banning of highly textured breast implants due to their association with BIA-ALCL.

When choosing the right breast implant shape, it’s crucial to have a thorough consultation with your surgeon. Your ideal implant shape also depends on your existing breast tissue and the desired surgical outcome. In Dr. Beldholm’s professional opinion, round implants offer several advantages over teardrop-shaped implants.

To help patients visualize the potential outcomes of their breast augmentation procedure, Dr. Beldholm uses 3D imaging technology. This advanced tool can demonstrate the differences between various breast implant shapes well, allowing patients to make informed decisions about their surgery.

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People Also Ask

Here are some frequently asked questions regarding round breast vs teardrop breast implants.

Round Breast Implants vs Teardrop Breast Implants: What’s The Difference?

The main distinction between the round implant and teardrop breast implants is in their respective shapes. Round implants are more symmetrical, offering fullness at the top, while teardrop implants create fullness at the bottom of your breasts. Teardrop implants were initially intended to mimic the natural slope of the breast, while round implants provide more fullness.

Do round implants look bigger than teardrops?

No. Although round round vs teardrop breast implants may provide greater upper pole fullness for an illusion of larger breasts, their size depends on various factors, including anatomy and the patient’s desired outcomes. Sometimes teardrop-shaped implants may even appear larger due to their shape and projection.

Why do some breast implants look so round?

Breast implants may appear round for various reasons, including the type of implant used, the amount of fill material used, and location. Round implants provide more fullness at the top of the breast, making it look rounder.

The final shape of the breast will depend on the amount of breast tissue and appearance, and the breast implant used.

According to Dr. Bernard, if he puts a round implant above the muscle in a woman with A cup breasts, they will look very round. However, when put under muscle placement, they may look less round.


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