Textured vs Smooth Breast Implants

One important decision women have to make when considering breast implants is whether to go with smooth or textured breast implants. Both types have numerous differences, each with pros and cons.

Therefore, deciding the difference between textured, and smooth breast implants is a critical decision. If you don’t know where to start, worry no more. This article explores all the differences between the two implants, helping you make an informed decision.

Textured Vs Smooth Breast Implant: Key Differences

Smooth implants have a slick and slippery smooth outer shell that feels more “natural” to the touch. They do not attach to the patient’s tissue. However,  Smooth implants can sometimes lead to slightly visible rippling and shifting in position over time. Textured implants have a rough, pebbled outer shell. They attach to the surrounding tissue reducing the risk of rotation or movement. They are also firmer than their smoother counterparts.

Textured Breast Implant surgery

Textured breast implant

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Textured breast implants contain a rough or textured outer silicone shell. The textured surface helps to prevent the implant from moving around by attaching to the breast tissue. Therefore, they are mainly used to decrease malposition rates. Textured implants are available in two types, micro-textured and macro-textured breast implants. The difference between the two is that macro-textured breast implants feature a larger depth and surface pattern than those of micr0-textured ones.

The rough surface of scar tissue around the implant stabilises the implant. Textured breast implants come in a variety of sizes and shapes. It is important to note that in Australia, patients only have access to micro-textured implants. Highly textured breasts were banned from use.


  • Reduced rates of capsular contracture complication: Capsular contracture is one of the complications associated with breast augmentation surgery. The complication causes hardening of the scar tissues surrounding the implant. As a result, the patient experiences discomfort, pain, and distortion of the breast shape. Studies show that patients with textured breast implants have a lower risk of contracting capsular contracture complications.
  • Decreased malposition: The rough surface of textured breast implants attaches to the surrounding breast tissue, reducing the risk of implant movement or displacement.
  • Firmer feel to the touch: Textured breasts tend to feel firmer to the touch than smooth counterparts. This is because a textured surface creates more friction between the implant and the surrounding tissues. This makes the implant feel more stable.


  • Pose a greater risk of implant rupture: Textured implants have a higher implant rupture rate than smooth breast implants. The rough texture of the textured breast implant can stress the implant’s shell, causing leaks or tears. This, in turn, may lead to implant rupture.
  • Higher BIA-ALCL rate: BIA-ALCL (Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma) is a breast cancer associated with textured implants.

Who is Suitable for Textured Breast Implants?

A Textured implant is more suitable for women reconstructing due to a mastectomy (Micro-textured implants are the only option in Australia). Mastectomy is an operation done to remove the whole breast due to breast cancer.

Textured breast implants are also suitable for women with insufficient breast tissue. They are also ideal for women with a history of capsular contracture or at higher risk for developing it. This helps to prevent another capsular contracture.

What are Smooth Breast Implants?

Smooth breast implants

Unlike textured breast implants, smooth breast implants have a smooth, full implant filling and slippery, shiny silicone rubber outer. The smooth implant doesn’t attach to the breast tissue and moves freely within the capsule, a sack-like membrane that develops around the implant.

The smooth implant is mainly made of saline or a silicone gel and has different sizes and shapes.


  • Take shorter time to recover: Smooth implants take a shorter recovery time since they require less operational time and space.
  • Pose a lower risk of implant rupture: The smooth breast implant poses a lower risk of implant rupture since the smooth surface of the implant causes less stress, reducing tears and leaks.
  • Less Wrinkling. The newer generation of cohesive round, smooth implants have fewer wrinkles due to optimal fill.
  • Provides more placement options: Smooth implant offers a range of versatility in placement. The surgeon can place it under the chest muscle or the breast tissue.


  • Increased risk of capsular contracture: There’s a higher risk of getting capsular contracture in patients with smooth breast implants. The smooth surface of the implant causes the implant to move freely, preventing the surrounding breast tissues from attaching to it. The movement may cause inflammation and irritation.
  • Increased risk of malposition: The free movement of the implant in the capsule may cause its displacement compared to a textured implant, which is more rigid with less/no moment.

Hand holding smooth implant

Who is Suitable for Smooth Breast Implants?

Similar to textured implants, smooth implants are ideal for women undergoing breast reconstruction following a mastectomy. They help create a more “natural” look.

Smooth implants are most suitable for thin patients, especially if the implant’s location is over the muscle. This is because, with textured breast implants, there may be noticeable folds on the breast.

Key Differences: Textured and Smooth Implants

  • Firmness: Textured implants feel firmer than smooth implants because they have a thicker outer. The firmness gives them a less natural look compared to smooth implants. However, the difference is unnoticeable when the implant is below the muscle.
  • Movement: Smooth breast implants move freely around the capsule (breast pocket). On the other hand, textured breast implants have less or no movement because their textured surface allows attachment of the breast tissue.
  • Capsular contracture: The medical industry developed textured implants to help reduce the risk of capsular contracture. However, there’s conflict on whether it’s true.
  • Durability: Both implants have a long life span and depend on the individual. However, studies have show smooth implants last longer.
  • Cost: Textured breast implants are more expensive than smooth implants.
  • Risk: Textured breast implants have been linked to a higher risk of BIA-ALCL, while smooth implants are linked to a higher risk of implant movement and visible rippling. Even though the risk of complication is relatively low, it is not zero.

What to Consider when Choosing Between Smooth and Textured Implants

Smooth breast implant vs textured breast implant

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Choosing the right breast implant can be overwhelming since there are a lot of factors to consider. Luckily, there’s no need for panic. Below is a list of the things to consider when choosing the perfect breast implant.

Implant Size

Measuring breast implant

Implants come in a variety of sizes. Note that, unlike bra cups, breast implant measurements are in cubic centimeters (cc) for 150-200cc, there’s an increase of around one or one and a half in bra cup size. The variation is due to the different cup sizes of different bra brands.

Implant Shape

Breast implant shape

Like the size, implants are available in different shapes. The two common shapes are the round and teardrop. Round breast implants are circular with equal volume on the lower and upper parts shaped breast implant. Teardrop breast implants provide a more natural look, with the lower part larger than the upper.

Body Frame

female figure

The key to perfect breast implants is achieving a natural look. Therefore, one of the vital factors to consider when choosing breast implants is your body frame. In addition, implants that compliment your body frame will prevent you from shoulder and back pain associated with too large breasts.

Another essential factor to consider when choosing a breast implant is the future. Most implants take 10-20 years before you need to replace them. Therefore, you should consider the lifestyle you’ll be living in 10 or 20 years.

We recommend discussing this with an specialist surgeon. If you are looking for breast implants Sydney or breast implants Newcastle. At Breast Augmentation Australia surgery clinic, you’ll find a team of experts experienced with Breast augmentation. You’ll consult, get advised, see, and feel various, cosmetic breast augmentation implant types and shapes.

Risks Associated With Textured vs Smooth Breast Implants

Surgical Risk

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As noted, choosing the perfect breast implants can be challenging. We’ll try to shed some light on the matter to help ease your journey to selecting the proper Breast augmentation in Sydney.

There are complications associated with the different types of breast implants. These include capsular contracture, BIA-ALCL, and malposition. Textured implants lower the risk of capsular contracture since they integrate with the natural breast and tissue.

BIA-ALCL (breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma) is more frequent with textured implants. On the other hand, smooth implants lower the risk of BIA-ALCL but have a higher risk of capsular contracture or malposition.

Note that it’s ideal to choose a surgeon experienced in both types of implants, ensuring you have a wide range of options. At Breast Augmentation Australia surgery clinic (BAA), you’ll get a variety of breast implants to choose from.

A word from Dr. Bernard Beldholm MBBS B.Sc (Med), FRACS, FACCS. “When using round breast implants, I would always use smooth implants as these are softer, and I don’t see the benefit of texturing. On the other hand, If I use teardrop breast implants, I would use micro-textured. However, there is a significant chance of rotation of these implants.”


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  3. Nelson, J. A., McCarthy, C. M., Dabic, S., Polanco, T. O., Chilov, M., Mehrara, B. J., & Disa, J. J. (2021). BIA-ALCL and Textured Breast Implants: A Systematic Review of Evidence Supporting Surgical Risk Management Strategies. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 147(5S), 7S-13S.
  4. Swanson, E. C. (2023). BIA-ALCL: Comparing the Risk Profiles of Smooth and Textured Breast Implants. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
  5. Filiciani, S., Siemienczuk, G., & Etcheverry, M. (2022). Smooth versus Textured Implants and Their Association with the Frequency of Capsular Contracture in Primary Breast Augmentation. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 149(2), 373–382.
  6. Chiemi, J. A., & Kelishadi, S. S. (2022). A Rationale for Micro-textured Breast Implant Augmentation. Aesthetic Surgery Journal, 4.