The Breast Implant Drop and Fluff Process Explained

You’re probably excited to see your breast augmentation results, but the truth is, you won’t see results overnight. While your breasts will look fuller immediately, a process known as the drop and fluff needs to happen.

Not sure what that means? This article explains everything you need to know, including how long it takes for breasts to look completely normal after breast surgery and a month-by-month drop and fluff timeline.


Breast implant drop and fluff explained

Breast implant drop and fluff explained

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Why do breast implants drop and fluff?

Dropping and fluffing refers to a process during which the breast implants settle into their final position. Initially, cosmetic surgery causes swelling and tightness, which can compress the implants.

At first, the implants often look too firm and ride high on the chest. The breasts can even look square or flat, leading some patients to assume they had a botched surgery or chose too small an implant.

Don’t be alarmed! The settling process has yet to occur. What you see immediately after the surgery is not your final result. Over time, the implants settle into a more natural-looking position and shape.

As the implants ‘drop’ into position, what is really happening is that the tissues are relaxing, allowing the implants to expand fully, or ‘fluff’.

Once the implants fully settle, the breasts become rounder, softer, and lower on the chest wall where they should be.

How do breasts look immediately after waking up from surgery?

What you see on day one is not your end result. The breasts will be swollen, bruised, and feel firm. The new implants may appear squished or too close to the collarbones. There can also be asymmetry, as one breast implant may be more swollen.

This can be disturbing if you aren’t prepared for it. Rest easy, as augmented breasts gradually improve in shape and position as the surrounding tissues relax.

Before After Breast Augmentation - 425cc Extra High Profile Breast implant. 6 weeks post surgery.

Before After Breast Augmentation – 425cc Extra High Profile Breast implant. 6 weeks post surgery.

Disclaimer: Adult content, Individual results vary. All surgery carries risks & you should seek a second opinion before proceeding. See full disclaimer.

Breast Augmentation Drop and Fluff Stages

Breast implants settling takes longer in some individuals than others. Here is a general drop and fluff timeline for breast augmentation patients:

  • Month 1: The breasts look tight and high. Some patients worry their breasts look too small or flat.
  • Month 2: The breasts become softer and rounder as swelling resolves and the implants begin to settle. Things look better at this stage, but more dropping and fluffing still needs to happen.
  • Month 3-6: The breasts take on a more natural shape and feel. This is a preview of the final result.
  • Month 6-12: It can take up to a year for residual swelling to subside. With each month that passes, the breasts should take on a more natural appearance. At this stage, many patients say their augmented breasts feel like a part of them.

How long does it take for breast implants to drop and fluff?

Generally speaking, the breasts should start to look somewhat ‘normal’ by 12 weeks post-op. Within three to six months, you should have a better idea of your end result. The drop and fluff process can last up to a year in some cases.

Do breast implants look bigger after they drop and fluff?

Breasts sometimes look bigger as they gradually settle into a more natural position. Give it at least three months before you shop for new bras and swimwear as your bra size might change slightly.

How can I make my breast implants drop faster?

While you may be anxious to see your final result, there is nothing special you need to do to make implants drop faster. Simply sit back and let nature take its course. Your surgeon may advise you to wear a compression garment to speed things along.

Most importantly, follow your surgeon’s aftercare instructions. Doing so will lower the risk of complications, which can delay healing.

My breast implants haven’t dropped yet. Why is that?

If your breast implants haven’t dropped and fluffed yet, don’t panic. There are a few possible explanations.

You have firm breast skin

If you have very tight skin, it could take longer for the implants to settle. Younger patients tend to have better skin elasticity and more breast tightness than mature patients with looser skin.

You chose a small breast implant

The breast implant size can also affect the drop and fluff process. Larger implants weigh more, so they may expand faster since they apply more pressure to the surrounding tissues. Small implants weigh less, so they might not drop as quickly into the desired position.

Your surgeon placed your implants under the muscle

Submuscular (under-the-muscle) implants may take additional time to drop and fluff since the pectoralis muscle compresses them. There can also be more breast tissue swelling with this technique since it is more invasive than placing the implants over the muscle.

You are thin or flat-chested

Thin patients and those with flatter chests often have tighter skin, meaning it could take longer for the implants to settle.

Patience is key!

Rest assured, the drop and fluff will happen, even if it takes longer than anticipated. As they say, a watched pot never boils. Give it time.

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I think something is wrong. My breast implants are getting firmer or more swollen.

If you notice changes during breast augmentation recovery, such as increased swelling, pain, or bruising, contact plastic surgeon immediately. It could mean a complication such as a haematoma or capsular contracture is brewing. Your surgeon will provide urgent care to restore your healing process.