Tag: complications

Breast Implant Revision What Are My Options

Breast Implant Revision What Are My Options Breast augmentation is one of the top cosmetic procedures worldwide. However, breast implants are devices and might eventually fail, leading to revision surgery. Breast implant revision mainly involves the removal of the implant and an additional procedure. Some breast revision surgery options include…

Breast Implant Flipped or Rotated

Breast Implant Flipped or Rotated Breast implants have gained global acceptance for cosmetic and therapeutic procedures. Implants are associated with numerous advantages, sometimes making surgeons and patients overlook the complications that may arise after breast surgery. Flipped breast implants are one of the post-surgical breast complications. Breast implant flipped or…

Breast Implant Rupture

Breast Implant Rupture Breast augmentation involves using breast implants or fat transfer techniques to enhance breast size and projection. Implant-based breast augmentation is the most common procedure but comes with potential post-surgical complications, such as breast implant rupture. Regardless of whether a patient has saline or silicone implants, all breast…

How Soon Can I Spray Tan After Breast Implant Surgery

How Soon Can I Spray Tan After Breast Implant Surgery You can spray tan as soon as the incision heal completely. Tanning involves darkening the skin by increasing melanin production. After undergoing breast surgery, the next step involves incision scar recovery. However, any contamination of the incisions during recovery will…

What is an Inframammary Fold or IMF

What is an Inframammary Fold or IMF The inframammary fold (IMF) is the crease line where the lower part of the breast meets the chest wall. It serves as a natural boundary for breast augmentation procedures. It offers breast support while shaping and defining the overall breast shape and structure. …

How Long Do Breast Implants Last?

How Long Do Breast Implants Last? While it’s unrealistic to anticipate breast implant lasting a lifetime, the exact duration of their longevity remains uncertain and vary widely among individuals.  Several factors may lead to implant removal, with or without replacement. These include implant complications like capsular contracture, rupture, BIA-ALCL, rippling, …

Breast Implant Associated ALCL

Breast Implant Associated ALCL Breast Implant Associated ALCL develops in the capsule surrounding the breast implant, but in some cases, it can spread to other parts of the body. BIA-ALCL is not a type of breast cancer but lymphoma commonly observed in patients with textured breast implants. Breast implant patients…

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