Tag: Textured breast implant

Breast Implant Associated ALCL

Breast Implant Associated ALCL Breast Implant Associated ALCL develops in the capsule surrounding the breast implant, but in some cases, it can spread to other parts of the body. BIA-ALCL is not a type of breast cancer but lymphoma commonly observed in patients with textured breast implants. Breast implant patients…

Are Textured Breast Implants Safe?

Are Textured Breast Implants Safe? It’s no secret that surgical procedures have their fair share of complications. So, when it comes to breast augmentation, patients are rightfully concerned about which implant to choose and its potential downsides. Textured breast implant is one of the options available for those seeking breast…

Textured vs Smooth Breast Implants

Textured vs Smooth Breast Implants One important decision women have to make when considering breast implants is whether to go with smooth or textured breast implants. Both types have numerous differences, each with pros and cons. Therefore, deciding the difference between textured, and smooth breast implants is a critical decision….

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